January 27, 2023
The purpose of this grant was to train traumatologists in the Ponseti Method of treating Clubfoot in public hospitals in Argentina. The grant was initiated by the RC Grand Bourg, province of Buenos Aires, and the international partner being the RC Iowa City AM.
Dr. Jose Morcuende traveled to Argentina in March 2022 to start the training process to traumatologists from the provinces of Cordoba (1), Santa Fe (1), Buenos Aires (4), and the City of Buenos Aires (3). For a total of 9 hospitals, he returned to finish the training in September 2022. Dr. Miguel Paz, who had previously been trained by Dr. Morcuende, was the professional coordinator in Argentina. Ponseti Clinics were set up in the 9 hospitals, and it is Dr. Paz who has been following up on the operation of clinics, in both the professional and administrative sides. 70% of clubfoot cases in Argentina are to be found in the areas that those hospitals serve.
The benefit of the training was that approximately 1,5000 families were treated so far by January 2023, and the professionals that Dr. Morcuende trained became trainers of Ponseti Method to other traumatologists in their hospitals.
In September 2022, the grant was in its final phase. The representative of both districts were invited by the World Health Organization (WHO) and TRF to present the project at the conference that took place at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on world Polio Day. Dr. Morcuende and Dr. Paz represented the grant (GG2096398) at the conference. Dr. Morcuende made his presentation with a video that showed what clubfoot is, the number of patients treated, and the very low cost of the treatment.
Thank you, Nenu and Elisa for providing this thorough overview!