May 14, 2023

Braces being distributed in Ecuador through The Rotary Foundation Global Grant.

Access to the foot abduction brace is cruicial to complete the Ponseti Method treatment and prevent relapse of the foot deformity. Due to the cost of each brace and the child’s need to use multiple braces throughout the years, the cost can be prohibitive for many families. The Ecuador Global Grant included the acquisition and distribution of 500 braces for approximately 10 clinics in 8 cities. The intention is to create a bank of braces administered by the Rotary Club of each locality, to guarantee the treatment of children up to 5 years of age. Upon completion of use, braces can be returned to the clinics and reused by other children.

The overarching goal of the project is to guarantee the treatment of clubfoot of all children in Ecuador up to 5 years in age. Way to go Rotary!