Ponseti International Association – Ponseti Publications:
August 24, 2023
Canadian Clubfoot Support Society
August 24, 2023
Click here to visit Canadian Clubfoot Support Society
Click here to visit the resources page
Click here to visit the video library
Downloads for Parents
August 24, 2023
Resources provided by Karen Moss
Clubfoot: Ponseti Management
August 24, 2023
This book provides information on all aspects of Ponseti management of Clubfoot.
The book was authored by Dr. Lynn Staheli, Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, and others, who have all mastered this casting technique. We recommend that Dr. Ponseti’s technique be learned in a course using this book as a reference.
We produced this book to provide an affordable, authoritative, easy-to-follow guide for health-care professionals to learn the Ponseti method of Clubfoot management. This book is designed to be engaging and colorful, with sufficient detail to help newcomers master the method.
Facebook group in Chile for Clubfoot provided by Dalia Sepulveda (IAB Member)
August 24, 2023
Video Resources from Charles Bizimana (IAB member)
August 24, 2023
Clubfoot – Canada
August 24, 2023
Canadian Clubfoot Support Society’s mission is to ensure every child born with clubfoot in Canada has access to effective and timely treatment that follows best practice by experienced Ponseti-trained practitioners. We strive to support parents by providing accurate information, guidance, and advocacy.
Uganda Sustainable Clubfoot Project
August 24, 2023
A 5-minute video describing the burden of clubfoot in Uganda, and how a project, led by the University of British Columbia and supported by the Canadian International Development Agency, has helped that country cure thousands of children from the hardship and isolation of the disability.
Ponseti Chile
August 24, 2023
https://www.ponsetichile.cl/ : Ponseti Chile group aims to support the dissemination and development of the technique, which is why it organizes courses and congresses, supports the Chilean Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SCHOT), disseminates the Ponseti Method among training specialists and since 2012, represents PIA (Ponseti International) in the country.
For the latter, we have the support of multiple scientific entities, including the University of Iowa, the Chilean Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, the Chilean Society of Child Orthopedics and Traumatology, and the Latin American Society of Child Orthopedics and Traumatology.