July 11, 2021

The Colombian Ponseti Method training global grant was a success with 28 orthopedists receiving training in Ponseti Method to expand their skills to treat children born with clubfoot.  The Ponseti Method training was provided by professionals from PIA International (Ponseti International Association) and with the support of the Rotary Action Group for Clubfoot (RAG4Clubfoot).

The newly trained orthopedists returned to their professional work in public and private hospitals in 15 cities distributed throughout the Colombian geography, and their two Rotary Districts 4281 and 4271.

As a real result, up to the date of this report, nine -9- Clinicas Ponseti have been established in Colombia. They are in the cities of Bogotá D.C., Ibagué, Cali, Medellin and Cucuta.  Joint work with public and private entities that provide health services in Colombia, to implement a Comprehensive Care for children, which includes all their treatment.

Grant objectives met:

  • New Ponseti clubfoot treatment clinics were created in healthcare institutions, presenting financial models to help their sustainability.
  • Adoption of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Clubfoot, with the Ponseti Method, so that they became part of the institutional documentation.
  • Direct communication channels with the community and especially with the parents of the beneficiary children. Emphasis was placed on this communication being reliable, friendly, and up-to-date.
  • Knowledge and expertise in what orthodeists learned through Virtual Seminars and their participation in Congresses of Pediatric Orthopedists and also in conferences of Pediatricians and General Physicians was encouraged.

Development of brace bank

A result of the numerous meetings between Rotarians and the newly trained health professionals, was the need to create a brace bank.  The braces are essential orthopedic element to maintain the foot correction.  A mutual agreement between Dr. Astrid Medina, pedatric orthopaedic physician, a local Rotary club and the Colombian Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SCCOT) to receive and take charge of the administration and distribution of 1,150 braces purchased from Clubfoot Solutions in Iowa, USA.  The advantage of the brace bank is that the braces can be returned to the bank after use, then they can be reused by future patients, benefitting a greater number of children and for a longer time.

Increased communication channels

An email account has been established through email: pieequinovarorotarycolombia @ gmail.com and on social networks: Instagram: @ ponseti.colombia.oficial and Facebook: Asociacion Ponseti Colombia. congenital clubfoot). The website is also under creation: https://www.ponseticolombia.org