October 20, 2016
A four member VTT team from Iowa spent one week in Sao Paulo (Aug 25 – 31) to co-facilitate the Train-the-Trainers training and Ponseti Method mentorship with members of PIA Brazil. Accomplishments at the end of the week included:
- 12 Trainers completed the Train-the-Trainers training
- 10 Ponseti Method trainees participated in Ponseti Method mentorship
- 22 benefitting health facilities
All four VTT members and in-country mentors joined the Santo Andre RC meeting where Dr. Jose Morcuende gave a presentation about the grant. In addition, VTT members met with DGE (4420) Claudio Takata; Santo Andre RC members at Casa da Esperanca; and attended a meeting at the Sao Paulo State Government Health Office with Dr. Geraldo Reple Sobrinho and Dra. Regina and Santo Andre RC members, Dr. Tatiana Guershmann and Adriano Valente. On the final day, two VTT team members visited Dr. Guilherme Bottino Martins and health administrators at Hospital Municipal Infantil Menino Jesus.
The approved Brazil VTT grant is a two year grant that started in August 2016. The Ponseti Method training program aims to provide Train-the-Trainers training to 15 orthopaedic surgeons who in turn will facilitate Ponseti Method mentorship to 50 orthopaedic surgeons.